# text: "Mariner 10 mosaic of Mercury\n\ntaken during the approach to the first encounter. This mosaic was made of 18 pictures taken at 42 second intervals 6 hours before closest approach. The left two-thirds of the visible portion is the southern"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=4 y1=114 x2=421 y2=178
# text: "southern hemisphere of Mercury. The resolution is about 2 km. The flat-floored crater just left the center of the frame, containing two smaller craters at its bottom right and left, is the 160 km diameter Petrarch. The light-floored crater"
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=4 y1=179 x2=428 y2=210
# text: "surrounded by darker material at the upper right is Lermontov, diameter 160 km. \n"
# text: "Galileo colorized image of Venus\n\ntaken from 2.7 million km about 5 days after closest approach on 15 February 1990. The exposure was taken through a violet filter and colored blue to enhance contrast. The westward moving"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=4 y1=115 x2=398 y2=177
# text: "sulfuric acid clouds at the equator and polar hoods are visible. Great detail (resolution of about 70 km) can be seen in the cloud structure, which is moving at speeds up to 100 m/s (230 miles/hr). Venus is 12,100 km in diameter, north is u"
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=4 y1=178 x2=386 y2=260
# text: "north is up, and the evening terminator is to the left. The bright spot at right is the sub-solar point (local noon).\n\nSolid State Imaging CCD Camera\nInstrument Resolution (pixels): 800 x 800, 8 bit"
# 4 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=383 y1=164 x2=441 y2=184
# text: "Done"
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# PICT resource ID: 203
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=93 y1=4 x2=434 y2=100
# text: "Full Earth showing Africa and Antarctica\n\nApollo 17 hand-held Hasselblad picture of the full Earth. This picture was taken on 7 Dec. 72, as the spacecraft traveled to the moon, the last of the Apollo missions. A remarkably cloud-free Africa"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=4 y1=99 x2=443 y2=163
# text: "is at upper left, stretching down to the center of the image. Saudi Arabia is visible at the top of the disk and Antarctica and the south pole are at the bottom. Asia is on the horizon is at upper right. The Earth is 12,740 km in diameter."
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=503 y1=169 x2=561 y2=189
# text: "Done"
# item 1: PICTURE (0xC0) disabled
# bounds: x1=3 y1=2 x2=177 y2=82
# PICT resource ID: 204
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=184 y1=0 x2=564 y2=78
# text: "Left picture:\nLunar Orbiter 4 global image showing the Moon\'s southern hemisphere near the eastern limb. The dark area at top center is Mare Smythii. Below this and to the left is the 200 km diameter Humboldt crater. The dark crater at the"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=5 y1=83 x2=564 y2=129
# text: "crater at the middle right edge is Tsiolkovsky at 20S, 130 E. Schrodinger crater at 75 S, 135 E, is the large crater at the bottom, with the Vallis Schrodinger.\nDate: 1967-05-11 Distance: 2997 km"
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=4 y1=130 x2=493 y2=194
# text: "Picture right:\nAstronaut Edwin Aldrin setting up the seismometer on the lunar surface. Neil Armstrong took this picture, which shows the Lunar Module and American flag in the background. Date: 1969-07-21"
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=393 y1=187 x2=451 y2=207
# text: "Done"
# item 1: PICTURE (0xC0) disabled
# bounds: x1=3 y1=9 x2=115 y2=85
# PICT resource ID: 205
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=123 y1=4 x2=422 y2=101
# text: "Global mosaic of 102 Viking 1 Orbiter images of Mars\n\ntaken on orbit 1,334, 22 February 1980. The images are projected into point perspective, representing what a viewer would see from a s"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=100 x2=413 y2=164
# text: "a spacecraft at an altitude of 2,500 km. At center is Valles Marineris, over 3000 km long and up to 8 km deep. Note the channels running up (north) from the central and eastern portions of Valles Marineris to the dark area, Acidalic"
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=11 y1=164 x2=382 y2=212
# text: "Planitia, at upper right. At left are the three Tharsis volcanoes and to the south is ancient, heavily impacted terrain."
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=374 y1=172 x2=432 y2=192
# text: "Done"
# item 1: PICTURE (0xC0) disabled
# bounds: x1=3 y1=3 x2=107 y2=93
# PICT resource ID: 206
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=113 y1=4 x2=438 y2=101
# text: "This image of Jupiter, Ganymede and Callisto\n\nwas taken while Voyager 1 was a little over a month away (closest approach was on March 5). Ganymede is at right center and Europa is at the top right. Ganymede is larger than Mercury and looks"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=9 y1=99 x2=443 y2=148
# text: "looks to be composed of a mixture of rock and water ice. Europa, slightly smaller than the Moon, exhibits a very bright surface. Jupiter is 71,492 km in diameter and north is at 11:30. "
# text: "Voyager 1 color-enhanced image of Saturn\n\ntaken on 18 October 1980, 25 days before closest approach. The large violet cloud belt at the center is the North Equatorial Belt. Above this is Saturn\'s North Temperate Belt, which exhibits bright"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=9 y1=98 x2=447 y2=169
# text: "exhibits bright storm-like features. The Southern hemisphere, below the rings, appears bluer due to the scattering of sunlight and viewing geometry, Saturn is 120,000 km in diameter and north is at 11:00. The color was enhanced using images"
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=162 x2=376 y2=180
# text: "taken through the ultraviolet, green, and violet filters."
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=395 y1=231 x2=453 y2=251
# text: "Done"
# item 1: PICTURE (0xC0) disabled
# bounds: x1=2 y1=2 x2=146 y2=82
# PICT resource ID: 208
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=153 y1=3 x2=453 y2=116
# text: "Two images of Uranus taken by Voyager 2\n\nat a distance of 9.1 million km. The picture on the left is a composite using images from the blue, green, and orange, filters, processed to approximate Uranus as the human eye would see it."
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=4 y1=116 x2=435 y2=181
# text: "The atmosphere is very clear, the blue-green color coming from absorption of red light by methane. The image on the right was produced using ultraviolet, violet, and orange filters to exaggerate the contrast. The dark polar hood is over the"
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=4 y1=180 x2=391 y2=260
# text: "south pole of the planet. The doughnut shapes are camera blemishes. Uranus is about 51,000 km in diameter. \n\nDate: 1986-01-17\nDistance: 9,100,000 km"
# 4 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=376 y1=166 x2=434 y2=186
# text: "Done"
# item 1: PICTURE (0xC0) disabled
# bounds: x1=5 y1=3 x2=97 y2=94
# PICT resource ID: 209
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=105 y1=4 x2=436 y2=101
# text: "Voyager 2 contrast-enhanced image of Neptune.\n\nThis image was taken on 14 August 1989, 11 days before closest approach from 14.8 million km. Wispy cirrus-type clouds can be seen overlying the Great Dark Spot at the far right of the image, "
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=5 y1=99 x2=438 y2=163
# text: "at about 25 S latitude. These features move eastward (to the right) together with the strong global winds. Banding can be seen at different latitudes. The south pole is towards the bottom of the disk. Neptune is about 49,000 km in diameter."
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=391 y1=160 x2=449 y2=180
# text: "Done"
# item 1: PICTURE (0xC0) disabled
# bounds: x1=3 y1=17 x2=123 y2=89
# PICT resource ID: 210
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=132 y1=8 x2=454 y2=105
# text: "Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image of Pluto and its satellite Charon from 4.4 billion km.\n\nPluto is 2320 km in diameter and Charon is 1270 km. The two bodies are so close in size they are often thought of as a double planet. At the time thi"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=12 y1=103 x2=457 y2=153
# text: "this image was taken the two bodies were at maximum elongation of 0.9 arc seconds. The bodies orbit 19,640 km apart. Pluto is the larger body to the lower left, Charon is at upper right."